About Us

A Civil society organization, registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 bearing No.61/80, dated 27th May, 1980 in the file of District Registrar, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh State, India. Further renewal of Registration was done on November, 2023
Registered under FCR Act in the file of Ministry of Home Affairs bearing No.010340022 Dt. 19.06.1991 and further renewal of registration was done with effect from 01/04/2023 for 5 Years
Registered in NITI AYOG NGO DARPAN to get eligibility to get financial support from Government of India with Rc.No : AP/2009/0023096
Registered in Ministry of Corporate Affairs for registration of entities for undertaking CSR Activities Rc.No : CSR00010703 Dt.06.07.2021
Contact :
Mr. M. Prasada Rao, President/Director.
+91 9490162667, 08942 –296304
Youth Club- Bejjipuram (YCB) is a secular, apolitical organization founded by 20 elite and educated youth inspired by the Mahatma Gandhi philosophy of rural reconstruction through Non-violence activities and Grama Swarajyam in the year 1980.
The aim of the organization is to fulfill the Human Values by serving the needy, downtrodden and under privileged sections of the society, to inculcate the culture of Mutual Co-operation, Mutual Aid, Self Help, Self-respect, and participation in decision making process to attain empowerment.
Initially YCB focused its emphasis on the basic needs of the village communities in erstwhile Ranasthalam Block in Srikakulam district of united A.P. YCB has been following the path laid by Swami Vivekananda and Master Ekkirala Krishnamacharya and many saints of the present era for establishing good fellowship and ethical values among target people.
Properly perceiving the needs of the target communities of the area, YCB basically focused its efforts to strengthen the life support systems of the communities by initiating need based interventions such as education, health, Livelihood promotion, Sustainable Agriculture practices, Environment protection, protection of Rights and skill Development.
Channeling the youth force to rural reconstruction, YCB has extended its sensible support to communities for their socio-economic empowerment during the last 40 years. YCB stays close to the hearts of the communities and assessed the needs and potentials of the people in participatory manner. Srikakulam district bordering to ODISHA on its north is one of the poverty stricken Districts of Andhra Pradesh state from where we observe lot of migration of deprived and disadvantaged communities to neighboring States and Districts in search of livelihoods.
Presently YCB working with rural people and under privileged people living in rural areas of 19 Mandals and urban slums of 3 Municipalities in Srikakulam District. Further it has extended its services to Vizianagaran, Visakhapatnam and East Godavari according to availability of funding sources during the last 5 years. YCB has developed resource teams in different sectors like community mobilization, community organization, entrepreneur development, Gender issues, water conservation, Environment Protection, sustainable agriculture, community health, Sanitation and Anti-trafficking.
YCB’s most promising approach is to promote and strengthen the community based organizations with disadvantaged communities like Artisans, High Risk groups, Farmers, Rural Women and Youth.
73 Members with good Education Back ground and are from different walks of life like Doctors, Technical Experts, Legal Experts, Engineers, Teachers, Social Workers, Agriculturists and Business People contributing their valuable time, expertise, donations for the cause of people’s empowerment.
It is being managed by 9 - Member Executive Committee headed by its President / Director. The Committee is elected once in 2 Years by the General Body. The committee meets in every quarter to Chalk out plans and reviews the progress. The Day to Day management issues will be managed by its president / Director.
45 Articulated staff with background of Post Graduation in Social Work, Rural development, Agriculture and Economics are rendering their professional and expert services supported by 59 Volunteers.
2 Doctors
1 Legal Expert
1 Civil Engineer
2 Agriculture Professionals are rendering their expert services on consultancy basis.
Area of Operation
Srikakulam & Vizayanagram District’s at present

​To realize the Mahatma Gandhi dream of rural reconstruction by ensuring cent percent participation of people in the development process with enhanced knowledge, skills and right thinking by 2030

​To provide skills, knowledge and techniques to increase the capacities of people in rural areas and urban slums in order to enjoy their rights and choices and control the environment, resources and power by strengthening their institutional base.

To facilitate the process of empower women, youth and deprived communities in the society by reducing their vulnerabilities, liberating them from oppression and exploitation through needful support.

Present Activities 2023-2024
Target Intervention in Srikakulam supported by APSACS/NACO has been implemented to reduce high risk and vulnerabilities of 1500 high risk population (FSWs & MSMs/ Trans Gender)
Truckers Intervention Project in Ichapuram supported by APSACS/NACO has been implemented to reduce high risk of 10000 truckers.
Promoted 5 Farmer Producer organizations to improve the socio-economic conditions of 3060 farmers and fishermen in Laveru , Ranastalam , Etchela , G.Sigadam and Amadalavalasa mandals Continuing School Readiness and Balavikas program in 200 Anganwadi Centers and 240 Primary Schools and 73 high/higher secondary schools in 7 Mandals with an Aim to improve enrolment, retention and quality of education and also reduce long absentees, drop outs with the support of India Literacy Project –USA/ Benguluru.
Continuing Agriculture Entrepreneurship program supported by Syngenta India Foundation in which 574 Farm Youth were promoted entrepreneurs after giving proper training on entrepreneur skills for 25 days followed by backward support.
Initiated 2nd Phase Integrated Irrigation and Agriculture Transformation Project in 14 WUAs and 30 Minor Irrigation Tanks spread in 20 Villages of 7 Mandals of Srikakulam District and WUAs Minor Irrigation Tanks spread in Mandals of Vizianagaram District with the support of Department of Water Resources, Govt. of AP.
Implementing Access to Justice Phase-II Program in Vizianagaram District with the support of Kailash Satyardhi Children’s Foundation- USA. The program Aimed to address three core issues such as Child marriages, Child Labour/Child Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse among Children. The Program started on 30th May,2023 in 15 Mandals of Vizianagaram District.